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Daily Deviation

September 20, 2016
:: Bottled Dream :: by SummerDreams-Art
Featured by ErikShoemaker
Suggested by Emerald-Depths
SummerDreams-Art's avatar

:: Bottled Dream ::



My special thanks to :iconemerald-depths: for the suggestion of the Daily Deviation and :iconerikshoemaker: for the feature.

All dreams are often said to be magical. One often hears the phrase 'dreams come true' whereas in fact, it's not like one's dreams coming true rather what's written in our fate coming to pass whether you dreamt it or not. What does not come to pass are named as "Dreams" because that's what they are.....just simple, magical dreams of our imagination.

Life passes by and you realise that they are just like will-o'-the-wisps, you see them but they are never meant to come true in reality.

And in the end all one can do is bottle up those dreams, closing all doors to one's fantasy-like imagination and understanding that reality is much more about harsh truths and less about dreams coming true.

This is the meaning behind this conceptual art scene. Honest criticisms and feed back are most welcome.:heart:

My contest entry for… by :iconmaniptuts: using the techniques as shown in this wonderful tutorial by :iconbenjaminhaley:

And dedicated to :iconlauraypablo::iconlolita-artz::icondaystar-art::iconsisterslaughter165::iconfrostalexis:

If interested in knowing how I achieved the final result, click here for full tutorial

Hope you guys like it and thanks for all have been a bunch of awesome and most supportive folks around here!:hug:

Moon (deviation no longer available) 
♥ Thanks to all the stock providers for their wonderful stocks. ♥

I  welcome every views, faves and comments and I am unable to thank each and everyone personally, so just in advance..thank you so much, know that it is greatly valued and appreciated!

My work may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted, uploaded, or sold in any way without my permission.
Image size
2000x2000px 4.28 MB
Shutter Speed
1/200 second
Focal Length
40 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Jul 8, 2011, 3:12:17 PM
Sensor Size
© 2016 - 2025 SummerDreams-Art
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Hello SummerDreams, do you have an high-res print store, like Redbubble? I wish to have a printed poster of this image!