A Christmas UnicornSuliannH on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/suliannh/art/A-Christmas-Unicorn-106492457SuliannH

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A Christmas Unicorn


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A unicorn for Christmas

Made in Poser and Photoshop. The horse is a 3D model bought at Daz, the hollies and Winter berries were painted by me; the rest is from my own stock. I was listening to Greensleeves by Lorena Mckennitt when I made this. That song is beautiful!

May this Christmas surround you with the warmth of love and kindness!

Due to time constraint, I am disabling comments for it gets too difficult to thank all people personally but let be assured that your views and favs are both very appreciated.

Image size
1225x1074px 480.3 KB
© 2008 - 2025 SuliannH
kyle24williams's avatar
I love this !! Very neat!!!
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