WISHFUL Flash Prompt | I Wish I Was a Wishful!Sugary-Stardust on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sugary-stardust/art/WISHFUL-Flash-Prompt-I-Wish-I-Was-a-Wishful-833936059Sugary-Stardust

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WISHFUL Flash Prompt | I Wish I Was a Wishful!




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"I wish, I wish, I wish I was a Wishful!

Design yourself as a Wishful or a Wishpup. What would your Wish be? What would you do for the Wishful community? Have fun and be creative.

If you don't know what your wish would be, design yourself as a Wishpup, dreaming of what their wish might be.

Please note that these are not official designs! They're just for fun. If you want them to be official, you'll have to buy a MYO slot." Prompt suggested & written by Anniekitty14!

imma ~explain the traits~ ooOOooo

Ears: Short. I actually do have small ears, and they're really hard to keep clean, which happens more with floppy ears.

Tail: Sort of a Standard/Flop. My tail would definitely be neutral/droopy most of the time, but would not trail to the ground; I hate being entangled in my hair, clothes, etc.

Fantastic Feature: Hair. I mostly keep my hair purple or pink and roughly around shoulder length.

Wish Types: Syringes & Pills. As a t1d, syringes are a part of my daily life - have been for 13 years and will be until I die. Pills is for coping with C-PTSD, depression, and anxiety, as well as Vitamin D supplements and a daily anti-allergy for my random allergy to blue clothing.

Wish Locations: Face & Body. The pills are on the face because, well, I take the pills by mouth. The syringes are on the body because I feel like a living pincushion. I suppose the belly would be more accurate, but it feels like a full-torso experience.

Misc. Notes: Collar & Purse. The collar is a tattoo choker. I have always loved them and I often wear one to fiddle with when I'm anxious (when I can handle Oni constantly attacking my throat, anyway). The purse is because I am always carrying my tons of medical shit with me.

Colours & Patterns: Purples & Polka Dots. The eyes are as close to the colour of my actual eyes as I could manage. I'm very red and have very red cheeks as well as freckles. I chose polka dots because they're my favourite pattern, though now that I think about it, you could say they mimic all the holes poked into me by all the syringes :')

:iconwishfuls-species: :iconthe-wish-list:

warm pink star Earn Wish Coins by participating in group events!

Wishfuls are a closed species; you cannot make your own!


little star Base by ro-sse.
warm pink star Species & Art by Sugary-Stardust.
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© 2020 - 2025 Sugary-Stardust
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MazziKoro's avatar
when did this end? i really wanted to do this!