Good vs. EvilSugargrl14 on DeviantArt

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Good vs. Evil



This is for this contest: [link]

My version of Good vs. Evil. I wanted it to be more than just an inner conflict so I added a few more elements. The plant, which is held by the good side, symbolizes life. While the fire held by the evil side, symbolizes death. The fire is seeping through the hand, threatening life. Also, it means something else to me, but I let you guys think about that. A little mystery...

I'm really happy with how it turned out. I put my best effort into it and I hope that shows. It's my second time drawing wings and I hope they look good.

A big thanks to my sister, who modeled for this. Her dA page is here: [link]

I hope you guys like it. And good luck to everyone else who is entering this contest!

Tools used: Photoshop CS3 and Wacom Intuos3 tablet.
Around 25+ hours.

Download for larger image.
EDIT: Fixed a few things, added some more detail to the wings. I'll probably be editing this every so often.
EDIT 2: Fixed some more things, including the fire.

:star: Some more info about the image - when I said it meant something else to me, here it is: Evil isn't always evil, like the fire. And good isn't always good. That's why this image isn't clear cut, there's a smooth transition between the two. I hope that explains some more about it!
Image size
706x867px 357.76 KB
© 2009 - 2025 Sugargrl14
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Hello! Can this image be used on the cover of a book? It is a book with the theme of Angel and Demon written in Romania. Thanks