Sugarcoatidli3z on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

February 24, 2010
The suggester said: "Cthulhu Ski mask just makes me smile every time I look at it. Not only is it fun design, but the craftsmanship is excellent; it just looks perfect. The tentacles curl, adding life and personality. Even a glasses wearer can enjoy this, which is not common in most ski masks!" You may want to check out the rest of =Sugarcoatidli3z's gallery, too.
Featured by MyntKat
Suggested by CarpeVita
Sugarcoatidli3z's avatar

Cthulhu Ski mask



wellp i got a bunch of people from :icondjonesgirlz: posting a link to my convertible ski mask pattern on her flickr, this is to show it can be done from the pattern! i did my tentacles and brow a bit different though.

this is the link to my pattern if you want to make one!

i omitted a round of increases from the pattern to make this one because it's not as convenient to fold up so it doesnt have to be as loose.

this is :icondjonesgirlz:'s version

if you make one i would love to see! send me a link please!

also if anyone knows the company that makes these hoodies, please tell me, they're so comfy.

EDIT: WOAAAHHH!!!! My first daily deviation! wowee! thanks! i was wondering where all the faves and comments were coming from!

OTHER EDIT: i made the tentacle add on pattern and here it is [link]
Image size
768x1024px 303.22 KB
Samsung S85
Shutter Speed
1/30 second
Focal Length
6 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Jan 18, 2010, 3:38:51 PM
© 2010 - 2024 Sugarcoatidli3z
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Lumikki-La-Lune's avatar

Hello, I'm sorry for such a late comment to this, but if there's any chance you're still active and have the pattern, could I request it? My mom was interested in making this for my little brother but we found that the links were removed (with very understandable reasons). If we are able to have it, could you please email it to ( please and thank you!!