Sudrien's avatar


Amature Strategerist
148 Watchers178 Deviations

Welp. The app discoverability got worse. Let's just uninstall that.

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Literal Years

2 min read
But hey, this is a project you may want to actually buy the results of.

...I don't want to say "I'm selling" because. Honestly. There is no signs of me actually making money from this.

We're calling the poker deck "Bendistry". And by "We", I mean dreamalgia characters are there and I handled the numbered cards and fairyjuicy helped along the way.

If you wanna sign up for the group buy please visit

And then fill in the required stuff before April 20th. Because. I'm no psychic.

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goodbye, HalitePale

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<da:thumb id="644786827"/>

...and I'll answer your questions

1. Is your red the same as my red?

Both are constructs of separate minds - 650 nanometer wavelength ± 30nm or so exists, and we probably interpret perceived levels of that as the same thing within acceptable tolerances. Or I don't think you've mentioned anything about colorblindness.

2. What's the strangest (or darkest) thing you ever said as a child?

I remember somthing about praying for souls' rest for my family (including myself) - a metaphor for death. Not intentional.

3. Do you have any scars (you can say no if you're bothered by them)?

Left pointer finger, hard cheese incident.

4. How do you feel about being tagged in stuff like this?

The re-tagging thing is a 'NO', obviously. And I'm not volunteering information, also obviously.

5. What's a skill you wish you had?

I wish I actually more of a contortionist. Never the patience for training it, though.

6. Would you rather an infestation of rats or bats?

Bats. Bats can be convinced to relocate without killing them.

7. If you see a hop-scotch on the sidewalk, do you play it, or ignore it?


8. If your walls could talk, what would they say to you?

They do. Slowly groaning at annoyance of having a roof.

9. Are you at all superstitious?

Not particularly. But nobody would say they are particularly superstitious, would they?

10. Do you want me to stop changing my username?

Do what you want.

11. Are you someone who sits still, or are you constantly moving?

I don't stand still. I think that's my best answer.

12. Do you like hugs?

I am a hugger. With permission.

13. Does the first question make any sense?


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Dream Sequence: Ball by MagickalMeltdwn Dream Sequence: Keyhole by MagickalMeltdwn

...and now I can get them out of my notifications maybe

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