Hai! I'm Succi!
As you can quite clearly tell from my long tail and bat-shapped wings, I am a Succubus! A Succu-what? You might ask... You know, a scary female demon that comes to steal your life essence as you sleep... A Succubus!
Hey! Wait... I see you trying to run from me... W-Wait up! I'm not that kind of girl anymore...
Phew... Not so fast next time... It's hard enough to run with these... What do you mean?... These here... Yes... Breasts... B-R-E-A-S-T-S... You act like you've never seen a pair before.... W-What do you mean you've never seen a pair this big?... I-Idiot...
Anyway... What was I saying before you ran off? Oh yes... I'm a Succubus!
Though instead of draining the life essence out of cute people like you... Ahem... Your eyes are slipping again... I prefer to Inflate things and watch them grow bigger and bigger... Yes! Like my breasts!... W-wait no, I didn't mean that... O-Oh... I'm not blushing... Y-You're blushing...
W-wait... You think I'd look better bigger... Really? Y-you're not just saying that... Y-you're pretty cute when you blush too... Do you... I mean, If you want to we could... Now who's looking nervous... Oh no! You started this! You're not backing out now!... See that cute little red pump there?... Yes... the one with the pink love hearts on... Put the hose in my mouth... J-just do it I-Idiot... Ready?...
Now pump~
Been awhile since you posted, you doing okay?
Now this is a good succubus worth pumping to dangerous levels
Hello do you do rps
Love it Well Done Art Work Galleries Excellent Work Details
Oooh, Succi is so cute. Can I have permission to draw her? I wanna make her up in my style!
Hiya Succi