- Welcome Notice -
In case you haven't noticed yet, we are the Subaru x Luna Club! (And in case you didn't know, Geo's name in the Japanese games is Subaru ;))
Don't know what we're talking about? Well, Geo/Subaru and Luna are two characters from the Megaman/Rockman game series -- more specifically, the Megaman Starforce/Ryuusei no Rockman games! And this Club is dedicated to them being together!
- Original Founders -
~SakuraMizu (https://www.deviantart.com/sakuramizu) and :iconredesignated:
- Current Staff-
:iconemizelenka: and :iconMCash583:
- Navigation -
| Welcome Journal | Club Rules | How to Join | Member List | Club Staff | Contests | Past Contests | Oekaki boa