The Lady of FrostSu-Wan on DeviantArt

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Su-Wan's avatar

The Lady of Frost



"...To unite Eorzea and Dravania.".
Aah!!! This outfit was sooo much fun to make as well as such a pain!!
I Have always wanted to cosplay Shiva...and FFX was my first hardcore tug at Shiva concept. I do love her past concepts but 10 had this tribal look to her I liked. But then...when I saw her for FFXIV [Excalibur btw] I just...I really fell in love with her concept. I still wanna make 10 day....* u *
I really had a bit of a challenge thinking how to make certain things and go about attaching certain things.. And my wig! I feel like I can joust with it! hahahaha That was a fun and interesting cookie to tackle!
The photo doesn't show all the details but I had the little metal spikes on the cloak. If this Shiva looks a little odd, it probably is. This is a combined mix o the in-game version and the concept art as well my touches added.
And let me tell you..pun intended...Wearing ths sucker outside in the summer heat had me MELTING!
All and all, I really really enjoyed making and wearing this..and....
I GOT MY SHIVA SHIRT ! >:3 Since I didn't beat her at PAX East....I beat here here and took her outfit!! muwahahahahaha!!!!!
On my cosplay page I have a collage with the making of Shiva.
Carry on~ :heart:
FFXIV Shiva Made, wig styled, make-up applied, and modeled by: SuWan <--- I'll be posting more Shiva here!
Photography by: Ngo Photography
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2048x1367px 415.27 KB
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Yukikaze-Creations's avatar
What a beauty you are as always!