Happy Snow GirlStudioMikarts on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/studiomikarts/art/Happy-Snow-Girl-494940999StudioMikarts

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Happy Snow Girl



This spur-of-the-moment painting was inspired by my feelings about the sudden change of weather we've had here in Idaho over the past week.  This time last week, it was so mild and dry that I couldn't believe it was actually November (and therefore, almost the end of 2014!) but just a day or two after I expressed that thought, a major 'arctic blast' brought in chillingly cold temperatures and over 6 inches of snow, locally!  Some areas at my house, the snow is so deep my Shiba Inu almost gets lost in it!

So I painted a girl (modeled mostly off of yours truly) who is enjoying the winter-like weather!  This was also a bit of a test of some supplies I got in my 11th Edition (i.e. November) Pigment+Palette box.  I'll talk more about it on my art blog.

Graphite, watercolor, ink, and gouache on 300 lbs. cold press watercolor paper, 4x6"
Image size
2359x3535px 9.95 MB
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the-moth-queen's avatar
So freakin cute! I love your soft painting style~