2017 Christmas Presents - Sarah CatStudioMikarts on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/studiomikarts/art/2017-Christmas-Presents-Sarah-Cat-727317748StudioMikarts

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2017 Christmas Presents - Sarah Cat



For anyone who hasn't been following along, in 2017 I made a series of ACEOs as presents for Christmas.  Each one features the giftee drawn as a cat.  I started by drawing my family, seven cats total, and then I moved onto friends.  So here we have the first friend cat I drew, which is based on one of my best friends whom I have known for over fifteen years, wifey! When I was looking up reference images of her, she seemed to have long hair just as often as short, so I decided to pick a cat that reflected that.  The cat reference I found depicted a longhair Manx--short tail, long fur.  This is the second cat I drew with brown eyes, but since they have so much light shining into them, it doesn't look as unnatural as some of the other brown-eyed cats in this series...

Ink and marker on smooth Bristol, 2.5x3.5", Completed December 2017

More pics and info on my blog: www.studiomikarts.com/2018/01/…
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2094x1491px 2.82 MB
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