Current Residence: Athens, GA USA
Favourite photographer: PelicanH, HakanPhotography, Annie Leibovitz
Favourite Movies
Star Wars (OT), Aliens, Robocop, Clerks, Ghostbusters,Idiocracy, Akira, Ironman, Scott Pilgrim, The Killing, The Killer, Close Encounters of the Third kind, Battleship Potemkin
Favourite Writers
John Steakley, Robert Heinlein, Hunter S Thimpson, Jules Verne
Favourite Games
Pong, Atari Combat, Halo, Contra, Galaga, CoD Modern Warfare, Marathon, Portal, Mirror's Edge, GTA, L4D
Tools of the Trade
Life Experience
Other Interests
Filmmaking, Costuming, Painitng and Illustration