Manga and anthropomorphic artist, creator of small-press manga series "Distant Thunder" and "The Life Of Nikuya", as well as pun-based comedy comic "Voop!" which appears in NAF magazine (and as of July 2017, in it's own collected comic!)
I've been drawing since 1993 for publication, mostly for fanzines, APAzines and Convention books.
In late Spring 2016 I joined the awesome group of Badge Babes, who do Warcraft (and other Blizzard games franchises!) character badges/lanyards/etc. Sadly, this project came to a close, and now in 2017, I'm part of instead for this!
Favourite Visual Artist
Stan Sakai
Favourite Movies
The Lord Of The Rings, Avatar, Spirited Away
Favourite TV Shows
Stargate, Torchwood, Primeval, Game Of Thrones, Lost Girl
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Within Temptation, Epica, Skyclad, The Levellers, Birthday Massacre
Favourite Books
The Lord Of The Rings, The Last Unicorn
Favourite Writers
Tolkien, Terry Pratchett, Robin Hobb, Peter S Beagle
Favourite Games
World of Warcraft, Luminous Arc, Golden Sun
Favourite Gaming Platform
Nintendo DS
Tools of the Trade
Micron Pigmas, Letraset Tria Markers, Kuretake Zig Mangaka brush pens
Other Interests
cosplay, bellydance