high priestess tarot cardstrongstuff on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/strongstuff/art/high-priestess-tarot-card-155915299strongstuff

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high priestess tarot card



to celebrate the third anniversary of the ultra-cool superpunch blog, site creator/curator john struan organized a kick ass project: he asked 78 of his favorite artists to each illustrate a card from a tarot deck. he posted the first 18 cards today, and if they're any indication, the complete deck is going to rock when it's all finished.

i was lucky enough to be invited to participate in the project and took a crack at the high priestess. not being too familiar with tarot mythology, i did a bit of research and decided to vamp up this strong, mysterious woman and drop her into a grindhouse movie poster.

anyway, it was a blast to work on. keep your eyes peeled for the rest of the artists' cards as they debut over at superpunch!
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ViviDevi's avatar
Love it. I am a tarot writer and blogger and would love to use this in one of my articles on High Priestess. I am currently completing an in-depth article on the High Priestess - Love, Romance and Sex Associations. I have entered into controversial territory as traditionally she is associated with virginity, chastity etc etc. Some taroists give her a sexual and sensual edge, with her often portrayed as the 'other woman' or 'fantasy women' of male dreams. I have explored all aspects of her and wanted to bring her a bit more into the real world. She is supposed to be the archetype of Mary, the spiritual or divine mother, the Magician her masculine counterpart. The High Priestess represents the virgin, the unmarried woman. She only gets to have a sex life once she becomes the Empress i.e. gets married to the Emperor and is made an honest woman of. However, the Magician is not associated with celibacy, her masculine counterpart. On the contrary, he is out there having a good time, while she gets to sit at home under lock and key waiting to be married off and be a good wife. Her holy mary associations may all be very admirable but when it comes to relating her to modern life, let's face it, immaculate conceptions are thin on the ground, and it would be a case of 'the lady doth protest too much' should she try to insist an unexplained pregnancy was one. Nah, she to me is the one to watch, the one who is a threat to all god fearing married men and their equally god fearing wives, The Empress and Emperor. I say let the High Priestess have a life. Let her have a serious of relationships, flings or one night stands. She is still her own woman, not shackled to anyone just yet and so should be making the most of it. She can be a bad ass bitch when her personality, her card reverses. Then Divine Vengeance is definitely on the cards. Smashing and let me know if I can use her. My site is teachmetarot.com


Vivien Ní Dhuinn (based in Ireland)