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global knowledge: sci-fi



this is the first in a series of five promotional posters for global knowledge, the worldwide leader in IT and business skills training.

global knowledge's creative director/brand manager came across some of my online poster art last year and remembered me when this project came up.

each poster in the series is rendered in a different retro movie style and highlights a specific strength of the training curriculum. this was the first poster that i illustrated and is meant to recall a 1960's sci-fi flick.

the posters have just been printed and are currently hanging in global knowledge's training centers nationwide. i had an absolute blast designing these and i'm thrilled that a.) they're well received and b.) i can finally post them on my sites!

stay tuned to my page for the next one in the series...

© 2010 Global Knowledge
Image size
432x627px 239.94 KB
© 2010 - 2024 strongstuff
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