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3G: ghostbusters poster



...and here's my third and final poster created for gallery 1988's upcoming 3G show. (you can check out my gremlins and goonies posters here.)

the exhibit will be a showcase for members of the illustration collective known as the autumn society, and will feature artwork inspired by the 80's classics "ghostbusters", "goonies" and "gremlins".

in preparation for designing this poster, i sat down with "ghostbusters" for the first time in a looooong while. it was a staple of my childhood movie watching diet, and it's amazing how well it holds up. perfect comic timing, an original story (almost non-existent in movies today), and awesome special effects make for a true classic. oh, and rick moranis rules.

listen... do you smell something?

show opening
friday, september 3rd
7-10 pm

gallery 1988
7020 melrose avenue
los angeles, CA 90038
ph: 323.937.7088
hrs: tues-sun 11am-6pm
Image size
432x653px 216.75 KB
© 2010 - 2024 strongstuff
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CoolCSD1986's avatar
This poster image you've done involving the ghost trap from "Ghostbusters" looks very nice and cool as well. :D