Marshmallow in heatStreled on DeviantArt

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Marshmallow in heat



Il ne manque plus qu'à la goûter...

Un truc moche et idiot rigolant à propos d'un surnom donné à Rarity par des fans, «Guimauve».

Quelqu'un pourrait en faire une meilleure version?

Rarity, Spike, Twilight Sparkle, Derpy Hooves (c) Lauren Faust ( :iconfyre-flye: ), Hasbro.
Vous savez commentça doit ce lire, sinon, dites-le-moi.

Now, we simply have to taste it...

Translate :

Rarity : "Spikey-Wikey, how so romantic!:heart:~"
Rarity : "Together alone in front of a fire. I don't know what to tell..."
Spike : "Erm Rarity... your make-up runs..."
Rarity : "I aM mElTiNg!"
Spike : "RARITY!!"
Spike : "Fire?"
Spike : "I HATE you!"

Something really dumb and ugly joking about a nickname made for Rarity from Bronies, "Marshmallow".

Could someone make a better version?!

Rarity, Spike, Twilight Sparkle, Derpy Hooves (c) Lauren Faust ( :iconfyre-flye: ), Hasbro.
You know how you have to read it, or else, ask me.
Vous savez commentça doit ce lire, sinon, dites-le-moi.
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2550x3300px 3.29 MB
MX350 series
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CaptainPrower's avatar
Roasted marshmallows.