Lemon Law Screenie XDstrappermelon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/strappermelon/art/Lemon-Law-Screenie-XD-35600270strappermelon

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Lemon Law Screenie XD



Okay well there is a story behind this one. XD My friend Fleep wanted me to watch The Fresh Prince of Bel Air on The-N so I did and as I watching it those annoying commercials came on and there happened to be a commercial for none other then LEMON LAW. You see, I love to read fan-fictions and in the world of fan-fiction they have a term called a 'Lemon'. I'm sorry if you don't understand what that is if you don't read fan-fiction...and please don't ask me what it is...XD

So of course, me being me, I started cracking up because small things amuse me. Hopefully it might amuse some of you people out there as well. I know this isn't the same kind of 'Lemon' as in fan-fiction [Thankfully o-o] so yeah.

So laugh or just think it's stupid and not care. XD

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