Lux Aeternam!

2 min read

Deviation Actions

strangelet's avatar
Ahhhh this month i are mostly basking in the glow of... well... glow. we have shaders working and all our ships are lit up like christmas trees.

the sekrit projekt proceeds apace, and for the first time anywhere we have witnessed he sight of ALL the aff ships at once in a game engine.  we have bump mapping which is a lil wonky but still working and we have lots of cool GUI for our poor coder to hack into place.

we've spent some time playing with the ship stats and we're finally getting a feel for what the ships can do and what they should be used for. tactics are already emerging (ZOMFG MORNINGSTAR RUSH!)

next up, the server goes into dry dock for some major overhaul while i rummage through the AFF ship box and make sure all the ships are imported correctly.

serious murmerings are being held in the design rooms regarding the shape and structure of the gameplay itself. our system has scope and freedom, whilst remaining fun and immediate - things are going well.

screenshots? no. although she is beautiful. she is not ready. soon my pretties, soon...

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