When not to critique..

4 min read

Deviation Actions

straightfromcamera's avatar
Out of all of deviantART's recent site improvements, including a more comprehensive message center, and new 'sleek' site design (I wont go into blunders here *cough* portfolioBETA *cough*), Critiques is by far the most useful tool available on the site.

Unless of course, you're not using it properly.

I have seen several deviations with glowing critiques on them (4-5 stars), and almost none with mediocre or below critiques (3 or less stars).

Based on the few I have looked at, as research for this article, A lot of people are using critiques as glorified comment boxes, and that both defeats the purpose, and does not help the artist.  As much as a glowing review is appreciated, a truthful, real review will help more.

A short guide on using the critique system, and giving helpful critiques.

0) Critique not Criticize.  If you don't know the difference, check the dictionary.

1) If you think your critique is going to upset someone, ask if they would like to receive a critique they might not like, before leaving the critique.

2) If you need to give many negative points, try also giving some positive points, to balance out the blow

3) Offer suggestions to back up you points
a  If you cant backup your statements, don't make them

4) When being technical, try to stay within your area of expertise.  As much as you (a photographer) might want to critique your friend (a traditional artist) if you know little to nothing about Trad Art, keep your critique to things such as composition, lighting, anatomy, etc.

5) If you are leaving a critique because you want to impress someone with a glowing 4-5 star review, don't.  Everyone likes receiving those, but its meaningless if it isn't 'real'

6) Don't be vengeful.  If _______ gave you a bad, yet valid critique, don't pick through their gallery so you can do the same thing.

7) Don't delete bad (valid) critiques.  Having the low marks on your images shows people you are not an ignorant jerk who thinks they are "the shit"

8) Offer "request critique" on all your images, no matter how professional you think you are.

9) DO NOT offer critiques on personal images.  If you took an image and posted it with sentimental value, it shouldn't have a critique option on it

Hopefully this helps when making a critique.

Below is a selection of images asking for critique (deviations in my current devwatch)

Butterfly Effect by Jules1983:thumb119689825: Hell's hands by SantiBilly The prelude of a hell by SantiBilly
:thumb119643220: the end by eythan:thumb119486909: Lamb Of God - Randy - 1 by MrSyn

© 2009 - 2025 straightfromcamera
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unlimited2442's avatar
I have posted quite a few pieces that I have done. I'm always looking for ways to improve. I'm not the best, or even a pro... But the thing I'm noticing, is people come to view my work, but leave no feedback at all.

The critique system is great, from what I've seen of it. I just upgraded my account today after 2 years of using Deviant Art. The only downside to the critique system is the 100 word minimum. Sometimes, in a critique, I can sum up all I need to say in less that 100 words. But I understand having the 100 word minimum. Without it, everyone would end up posting crap like "cool pic" and rating it 5 stars.

It takes a little effort and thought to write a 100+ word critique.

Great post you have here, very helpful to those who don't understand critiquing.