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Unwanted delivery



"What do you mean, they 'just dropped her off'? Where's her transfer paperwork?"

"There isn't any; they brought her into the waiting room, gave us her file, and said we should already have everything. I called Northview Psych to find out what was going on, and I was so preoccupied with finding out why she was here that I didn't notice when they left. When I complained about their staff leaving before we finalized everything, the nurse who I was talking to just said 'okay, she's yours now, good luck' and hung up!"

"I'm so tired of them dumping problem patients on us; I know they're short-staffed, but so are we! Ugh, give me her file, let's go see who we're dealing with."


"April's right over here, and yeah, room #3 will be fine for her. I'll tell Carrie to prep it."

"Good morning April, I'm Doc- ... Why is she unconscious, and why is she in a straitjacket!?"

"That's, uh, on the third page of her file. And fourth, and fifth, and sixth."

"... history of impulse control problems ... mixed martial arts fighter!? ... developed anger management issues after a series of head injuries during fights ... Uh-oh."

"Yeah, she has a history of attacking staff, and she can do some real damage, she's even broken the arms of a few staff members, not to mention a lot of bruises and black eyes."

"She was on ... clozapine, olanzapine, haloperidol, risperidone, and she was still violent? How was she even conscious with some of these doses?"

"I have no idea. The Northview people said that keeping her in a straitjacket was the only thing that actually worked to contain her, but there were a lot of problems even then. She knew better than to ask the staff to let her out of her restraints, so started demanding that the other patients help her out of her straitjacket. She attacked a few patients when they refused, and even though she couldn't use her arms, she can kick and headbutt hard enough to cause some pretty bad injuries. They had her in an isolation room for almost two weeks before bringing her here."

"Fantastic. I don't want to keep her restrained, but I want a broken nose even less, so this will have to suffice. I'm much more worried about keeping her in isolation; that's inhumane and she'll never make any progress if she doesn't socialize with other patients."

"I agree completely, but we can't have her attacking anyone when they refuse to help her out of her restraints -- what do we do with her?"

"I don't know, for now just ... wait, nevermind. I have an idea, and it's a little extreme but I think it's our best option."

Rendered on a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti using the NVIDIA Iray engine, in the public beta version of DAZ Studio 4.11. I forgot to save the rendering stats before playing with some other scenes, so I'm not sure how long this image took to render. I think 5 hours at most.
Image size
5120x4480px 35.01 MB
© 2019 - 2024 strace44
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rubberi's avatar

An exosceleton with dampeners to make her movements slowly could be useful.