Avatar: The Last Airbender Official Height ChartStopStealingMy7Up on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/stopstealingmy7up/art/Avatar-The-Last-Airbender-Official-Height-Chart-458851750StopStealingMy7Up

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Avatar: The Last Airbender Official Height Chart



[Original image can be found here.]

This image is intended to assist writers and roleplayers in determining accurate height denominations for these respective characters, as well as for general knowledge and trivia purposes. Feel free to distribute, the intention being to spread awareness.

Additionally, I don't own this image. I did not make this picture, nor did I take it with whatever camera was used. The image comes directly from Comic Con 2005. The only alterations made to the original were edits to offset the blurriness.

Measurements of both the American and metric systems will be provided for full clarity.

Aang: 4'6" (4.5 ft) | 137 cm
Aang appears to go through a growth spurt from the beginning of the series to the end. In that case, 4'6" would be his height at his first appearance. By the end, you can see how much closer he is in height to Katara, who's a little over 5 feet (based on Azula's height -- Katara is taller).

Azula: 5' | 152 cm
(Topknots don't count; the measurement must be taken at the crown of the head. Azula's head is directly on the 5 foot line, with the gathered portion of her hair reaching higher.)
Azula had a growth spurt between "Zuko Alone" and her first appearance, so she isn't going to have another one. Most girls tend to stop growing at her age, so she can be expected to remain at 5'. I've seen some people think she's 5'3", all the way up to 5'7", but she's not of average height, let alone tall. She has really short legs. She apparently inherited the short gene from Iroh!

Zuko: 5'3" | 160 cm
(Ponytails don't count; the measurement must be taken at the crown of the head. Zuko appears to be a quarter of the way up from the 5 foot line, which would be 3 inches [3 inches x 4 = 12 inches/1 foot].)
Zuko is shorter than most people think. At his age, it's possible he could have another (small) growth spurt, but it's equally possible he won't.

Only these characters have officially documented heights. All other characters can be determined with relative accuracy by comparing them against Aang, Azula, and Zuko. Do keep in mind that animation inconsistencies exist (Ty Lee being both shorter and taller than Azula depending on the episode, for example), so it's probably best to go with how these undetermined characters are most often drawn.
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543x640px 192.33 KB
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It’s crazy the growth spurts they had after the show ended but I guess they were finally eating proper meals as opposed to rotten fish and bugs. because Aang is like 6’3 when he gives Korra her bending back and zuko and sokka are slightly shorter than him