Albook extended 811 pngStopDreaming on DeviantArt

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Albook extended 811 png



811 albook png!

The Vista visual style: [link]

Update 1:
-Fixed Winamp icon's name (which was previously named Winrar, Thanks to Otisbee [link] for having signaled me this error!)
-23 new icons: Access, Character Map, Debian, Gmail, Gnome, Grabit, iTunes alt, Litestep, Lotus notes, Open office (generic, Base, Calc, Draw, Impress, Math, Writer), Publisher, Soulseek, Tux, Ubuntu, WinASO registry optimizer, Windows movie maker, Winrar.

Update 2:
- Slight smoothing of Bitcomet, Daemon tools, Picasa and Samurize icons
- 13 new icons: AutoCAD, Close, Games alt (Nintendo NES pad), Next, Office 2007, Pause, Play back, Prev, Reduce, Stop, Switcher, Vista)

Update 3:
- Slight smoothing of IcoFX (other ones will be smoothed in next updates)
- Darkened, this icon was too clear if compared to the others
- 24 new icons: Briefcase, Crypted file, Digsby, Drive A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Embed, Firefox link, Hint, Ico, Internet Explorer link, Music drive, Ornis, Ornis 2 (A deviant pal's avatars), Photo drive, User file, Video drive, World map.

Update 4:
- 21 New icons: Air, circle dock, corel draw, downtheory, gdata, goldfrapp, gom player, gorillaz, joomla, mcafee, napster, nitro, portishead, printer alt, radiohead, super mario, trillian, vmware, winzip, zonealarm.
Most of those icons are highly inspired by my pal Ornis ([link]) and his Powder Blue icon set ([link]), super mario and downtheory's ideas are coming from my pal Downtheory ([link]).

Update 5:
- Drive colors modified intogreyscales (colored drives are remaining unchanged), it looks better with the rest of the set
- Slightly smoothed poweroff and reboot icons
- 10 New icons: Angel, Carbide ui, dds, generic audio file, organize, ra, rm, teamspeak, warning, xfire

Update 6:
- 13 new icons: 7Z, A perfect circle, Artrage2, copy, disk monitoring, fallout3, last fm, logon studio, NIN, one note, paste, PE explorer and sacred 2
- Restaured Winamp icon which disappeared during the last updates (I don't know why!)

Update 7:
- 20 new icons: Assassin's creed, audacity, battery alt, call log, cdex, close alt, cuteFTP, digital frame, down alt, fm radio, media album, media monkey, nokia PC suite, photo slides, podcast, round, smart reader and TV out.
Battery alt, call log, digital frame, fm radio, media album, photo slides, podcast, smart reader and TV out are the work from my mate kereight007 ([link]), used for his "Albook Extended - Omnia Menu" skin made for the Samsung Omnia SGH-900i ([link])

Update 8:
- 25 new icons: Blank2, blank3, blog, circle dock (round), down alt, up alt, left alt, right alt, round, tablet pc, razer, world of warcraft, republic of gamers, unreal tournament, bluetooth, sound, bitlocker, paste alt, shopping cart, facebook, coffee, mouse, mobileMe, box, spotify

Update 9:
- 29 new icons: Acid, AIM, Apps box, Burnable box, Devil may cry, Documents box, Download box, FIFA 09, Filehippo, Flammable, Football, Fraps, Games box, Garry's mod, Guitar, Half life 2, Heart, Library box, Magic wand, Microphone, Newsleecher, Open, Photo box, Polluting, Portal, Smart box, Stamp, Team fortress 2, Utility box.
Special thanks to my friend Asafoetidia ([link]) who made some box icons for adapting them to his marvelous XWDock skin ([link])

Update 10:
- 9 new icons: Audio surf, Dice, Fairyland, Frostwire, Plugin, Warcraft 3, Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne, WC3 Banlist, World of Goo

Update 11:
- 9 new icons: Baldur's gate, Gajim, Icewind dale, IRFanview, KMPlayer, Messenger plus!, Neverwinter Nights, Smiley, Super pi

Update 12:
- 14 new icons: 3Ds max, Agfa, Counter Strike, Lightning, Malwarebytes, Mist, NBA, Photobooth, Snow, Sun, Tetris, The Sims 3, Ventrilo, Wind

Update 13:
- 15 new icons: Acrobat alt, Automator, Burn, Burn folder, Dashboard, Dictionary, Evernote, Front row, Lightroom, Suitcase, Time machine, Transmission, Utilities, Vista style builder (thx to the mole for the idea!) & Web.

Suits very well with greyscaled VS like Sweatyfish's Vega ([link]), dynacord's fleur de lys ([link]), HUD Windowblinds ([link]) from Nardoxic, ProjectX 2 ([link]) by Sweatyfish, or Ivaderjohn's Tansblack v1 ([link])

Format: 256x256 True colors + Canal Alpha 32bits

The original Albook concept is from Laurent Baumann ([link] or [link]).
He is the creator of 357 icons included into this set and the UNIQUE owner of the albook icon project.
Please not that his work is under a Creative Common Licence 2.5 ([link]).
It means that you are free:
- to Share — to copy, distribute and transmit the work
- to Remix — to adapt the work
Under the following conditions:
- Attribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author, Laurent Baumann (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective owners.

Special thanks:
- Laurent Baumann, for having allowed me to release this work, and for all what he's doing with graphic design. To my mind, he's the best icon maker I've ever seen.
- benjamino ([link]), a german gentleman who has created a lot of albook style skins for windows apps, if you've enjoyed this work, you should take a look here: [link]
- cosmicmatrox ([link]). I don't know him, but he has released a nice set of 62 albook system icons ([link]), which has helped me a lot.
- brumie ([link]) for his albook CS3 pack 1 ([link]).
- zaif06 ([link]) and downtheory ([link]), my indian and american pals, for their support!

Comments and requests for new icons are welcome, maybe there'll be updates!

Enjoy :-)v1-82914600)

Format: 256x256 True colors + Canal Alpha 32bits

The original Albook concept is from Laurent Baumann ([link] or [link]).
He is the creator of 357 icons included into this set and the UNIQUE owner of the albook icon project.
Please not that his work is under a Creative Common Licence 2.5 ([link]).
It means that you are free:
- to Share — to copy, distribute and transmit the work
- to Remix — to adapt the work
Under the following conditions:
- Attribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author, Laurent Baumann (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective owners.

Special thanks:
- Laurent Baumann, for having allowed me to release this work, and for all what he's doing with graphic design. To my mind, he's the best icon maker I've ever seen.
- benjamino ([link]), a german gentleman who has created a lot of albook style skins for windows apps, if you've enjoyed this work, you should take a look here: [link]
- cosmicmatrox ([link]). I don't know him, but he has released a nice set of 62 albook system icons ([link]), which has helped me a lot.
- brumie ([link]) for his albook CS3 pack 1 ([link]).
- zaif06 ([link]) and downtheory ([link]), my indian and american pals, for their support!

Comments and requests for new icons are welcome, maybe there'll be updates!

Enjoy :-)
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