Ithaqua HS DrawingStevetheHunterofTri on DeviantArt

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Ithaqua HS Drawing



This is a picture taken of a drawing I did of my version of Ithaqua the Wind Walking. I made this all the way back in high school, so I admit it feels kind of awkward seeing my old foray into visual art. While writing is now my true passion, I am happy enough with this to share it with the world! You can also find more about my take on Ithaqua in the writeup I made for him in my profile here.

I would be remiss if I didn't give some credit to ValhaHazred, whose recent works about their Strange Aeons setting based on the Cthulhu Mythos reminded me of my own works of old. Go check them out here, they are a MUCH better artist than I!

One last thing: Apologies for how unclear the pencilwork is.

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1753x2337px 368.84 KB
© 2024 - 2025 StevetheHunterofTri
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