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steveoreno's avatar


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Sometimes a day at the beach is no day at the beach! 

Could this be the sequel to "Octopussy"?   Because it looks like this Bond Girl, or should I say Bound Girl, is going to have some Vulgaris things happen to her with those tentacles!

(Joke killing explanation:  The Latin name for the common octopus is 'Octopus Vulgaris', so kind of like the drawing, 'Bad Onca', it plays punny with the whole Linnaeus System again.  ....That aside, I'm sure what happens here is still going to be quite vulgar-ish.)

(From the book "Fantasy Bound")

B-) Reno
Image size
3250x4140px 9.32 MB
Date Taken
Mar 20, 2014, 5:31:58 PM
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