steveoreno's avatar


Master of the Damsel
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Deviation Spotlight

Plundering the Booty by steveoreno, visual art

Artist // Professional // Traditional Art
  • United States
  • Deviant for 18 years
  • He / Him
Diamond: It's the highest of honors to be awarded an exclusive Diamond badge! (1)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (15)
Heart: Love is in the air, someone is thinking of you! (2)
Gold Coin: Someone thinks you're golden! (1)
Hype: You got hyped up! (1)
My Bio

Current Residence: SoCal
Favourite genre of music: Orchestral
MP3 player of choice: iPhone
Favourite cartoon character: Bugs Bunny, Wonder Woman
Personal Quote: The sweetest music to a musician's ear is the sound of applause.

Favourite Visual Artist
Alex Ross, Adam Hughes
Favourite Movies
Little Shop of Horrors
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
a-ha and Elvis
Favourite Books
Uncle John's Bathroom Readers
Favourite Games
Favourite Gaming Platform
I loves the consoles.
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, Paper and a Soda
Other Interests
Video Games, Soda, and Damsels in Distress
GREETINGS RENOGADES! So, it looks like the last time I wrote one of these journal entries waaaasss, whoa...... way back in Jan. 2020. Ahh, yes, ... in "The Before Times." Written in a moment where I was reflecting on the previous decade and rhapsodizing about the decade ahead like an optimistic sap. Yeah, well... there's a famous saying that goes, "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans." After that post, the world really took a swift kick to the ol' huevos rancheros in the months.... and months.... and months that followed (and that was just that first March!) Perhaps I was tempting fate with my confident idealism, maybe my unabashed hubris was an affront to the mythological gods of lore! Whatever the case, sometimes, I blame myself for this whole 'Rona Pando'... that's what all the cool kids are calling it. (And by "cool kids", I mean "Not the cool kids" and by "all" I mean "me") To quote the great Poet Laureate, Young MC, from his Magnum Opus, "Bust a
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  Well, it's a New Year and a New Decade for us to look forward to, but at the same time we can reflect on the last year and decade we left behind.  For me, there was some good and some bad, like any of us could say, and I guess it's all about perspective, right?  I had a lot of losses that will be with me forever but none that left me with bitter memories.  I never thought it would be possible for life to change so much and change so little at the same time.    For the most part, I try not to bring anything from my personal life to this page.  This page is always meant to be light, fun, and (hopefully) sexy.  (Just like me! :))  The simpl...
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  Taking a peek up at my Pageviews counter I see that it reached one million page views!  I'm sure I account for about half of those but still, I want to thank everyone who has ever popped in for a quick look around my Gallery.  To celebrate this little milestone I'm going to post a batch of new stuff over the next few days... Now granted, by "new" I mean the most recent stuff as I haven't really drawn much of anything in the last year or so.  My "real" job has required my full attention lately and drawing has pretty much been pushed into the 'Hobby' bin.    I was close to completing a new book before this current break from drawing began ...
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Profile Comments 806

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Hi, Steve! Since you like damsel in distress art, here’s a drawing I think you might like! I know the art is very simple, but the concept I think knocks it out of the park!

Creature From The Black Lagoon

Love your work. It’s is stunning

Hey, Long time no see. :)

Your artworks are SO HOT!!! I love them. Especially the girl-girl BDSM ones. Gorgeous girls! Hot roleplay!

Love it 😍  Well Done Art Work Galleries Excellent Work

Hello? @steveoreno ? Are you around?

Great work!! You really capture the moment. Seriously, you are one of the best.👍