Peachshipping -Anzu x Yugi-steven-kunz on DeviantArt

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Peachshipping -Anzu x Yugi-



Yugi x Anzu~!

So this is essentially the most SAPPIEST piece I have ever done. Why, I dunno. XD I felt like drawing Yugi x Anzu, and I know that they tend to be a sappy couple, and the name of the pairing is Peachshipping. So for some reason, the sap came forth~! @_@

XD But yes. I will be selling this at Anime Expo~! My first print done! 1 down, 9 to go. XDDDDDD

Yu-Gi-Oh! is (C) to Kazuki Takahashi

Edit: Scrapped for history's sake
Image size
550x825px 610.81 KB
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