Plane of Air: Colossusstevegoad on DeviantArt

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Plane of Air: Colossus



For the Rift Create a Colossus Contest:

I chose the plane of air mainly because it was the first rift that really marked me. It wasn't even a rift more like a quest but it was an air rift and you had to use an item to kill elite creatures circling it. I stared at it a good while just thinking...whoa now that's cool, before I even started the quest.

This particular colossus I had in mind had 6 heads originally but I was thinking that was a bit over the top. I was looking for a concept that would mesh well with their existing game. The idea is the colossus actually gains it's power through the rift, hence the way the Rift travels through it and the same light is seen in the creature's heads.

He has large wings to keep pesky enemies from getting too close, a tail to cover his back side , sonic damage from it's mouths and oh yeah rift like arms that come out of it's back to reach out and touch someone. And oh yeah, you have to kill all 3 heads to put him down for good. Yeah, I'm thinking that would be either a blast to battle or a real pain. ha!

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157532's avatar
dude tottally sick