SteveArgyle on DeviantArt

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SteveArgyle's avatar

Sad Angel number 6,254,957,314



If you follow my updates, you may expect a joke here. You may expect jibes and cuts and self-deprecation raining like so many misshapen cartoon cats and dogs. But no. There is nothing funny about this painting. Just look at her running mascara. Look at her sad molting wings. Just look at all that... black. To borrow eloquence from the poets of rock: Blacker than the blackest black, times infinity. How much more black could it be? The answer is none. None more black. That's right. This painting is serious. Seriously. If you laugh, baby Jesus gets beaten with a fat-man's belt. And all that skin-grease and salt make the welts sting extra bad.

You're not laughing. Good. But it won't be enough to get you into Heaven. Not after what you've done...

Copyright Spiral Direct.

Swing by ""Overdose in Comfort Furniture and Stomach Pumps, Inc."

Special thanks to photoscot [link] , betceemay [link] , and deathrockstock [link] for their inspiring reference.
Image size
655x873px 240.82 KB
© 2010 - 2024 SteveArgyle
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nishagandhi's avatar…
Your work is featured here on my blog! :)