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SteveArgyle's avatar

Heroscape first draft



This is the original final draft I sent in. But, ultimately the brand felt that the artwork should more closely correspond with the miniatures that were going to be included in the box. So I posted both. I miss the axe-weilding barbarian most of all.

A classic D&D get-together. Even with all the swords and stuff, for some reason, I think of this more like a cocktail party. Like the swords are just decorative martini shakers or something. And any minute now, they're going to break out Rockband or some Wii party game. They're just off screen, but much of the rest of this dungeon is furnished with bean bag chairs. (But, to keep it in canon, they're made of baby dragon leather.)

Art directed by Blake Beasley.
Image size
1225x816px 417.58 KB
© 2009 - 2024 SteveArgyle
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Capi-Larry's avatar
Barechested guy getting armor and dat ass magician getting replaced with knight are for the worse. Palette-swap on high elf was a good choice to differentiate her more from the drow though now she wants for pupils. Arm and hair change on center-drow are neutral. Lighting touch-ups on arms are good.