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Glissa, the Traitor


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Glissa, sporting her brand new +3 can opener arm in a Spiderman-esque pose.

Glissa has gone through some changes in her life. On the positive, long, lustrous hair, and she's become quite the hardbody. On the other hand, soft fleshiness has given way to slightly monstrous metallic corruption of all that was once good about her.

Being composed entirely of metal has it's ups and downs. Cellulite is a thing of the past. A fortune is saved on body-shimmer. And, copper looks a little like a weird tan. But, turtle wax is more expensive and time-consuming than moisturizer. The bathroom scale is unabashedly cruel. Airport security is a nightmare of biblically epic proportions.

For Magic: the Gathering. Copyright Wizards of the Coast. Art directed by Jeremy Jarvis.

Our sympathies to the body polishing crew that Glissa sent to the emergency room for "overzealous and inappropriate buffing."
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1170x854px 680.15 KB
© 2011 - 2024 SteveArgyle
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Alfalfabeta's avatar

JHahaha, not only do you have art to draw, but your comments are also juicy