Everflowing Chalice alternateSteveArgyle on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/steveargyle/art/Everflowing-Chalice-alternate-175237662SteveArgyle

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Everflowing Chalice alternate



Some of you may recognize this from the Magic card. And then shortly thereafter say to yourself "Wait, this is different..."

It's ok. I talk to myself, too.

This is my first interpretation of the Everflowing Chalice, where all colors of mana were represented, rather than colorless.

(Well, to be completely honest with you this [link] is the original interpretation.)

The real question here is: would you drink this?

Maybe it would help you decide if I critiqued it.

"The initial nose of this libation bursts with orange rind, spice, and the sort of warm smokiness that only comes from a pyre piled high with your conquered enemies. Upon first draw, the palate springs to life, almost as if panicked. Like your tongue was being pillaged by demonic dark chocolate viking raiders draped in oaky, caramel robes, stabbing your tongue with hot cinnamon-butter. This full bodied brew reminds me of a winter night, long ago, under a werewolf-skin blanket, with a pack of sex-crazed succubi. Certainly not a drink for the feint of heart, but taming this nip is worth the risk to your immortal soul. Reality may never be enough again. Cheers."

For Magic the Gathering, copyright Wizards of the Coast. Art direction by Jeremy Jarvis.

Single barrel islay mana, harvested from over a thousand wild myths of Argyll, Scotland. Aged in a section of Jormungander's ribcage for 300 years. A truly distinguished dram.

(Please planeswalk responsibly.)

As always, more on my website. www.steveargyle.com
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