Premade Background 27sternenfee59 on DeviantArt

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sternenfee59's avatar

Premade Background 27



Premade Background 27

Hope you like it and have fun :hug:

Maybe you like to :+fav: and comment :hug:

Special Thanks to

:iconneedanewname: :heart: [link]

:iconashensorrow: :heart: [link]

:iconfrostbo: :heart: [link] [link]

:iconafinewar: :heart: [link]

:iconcheyenne75: :heart: [link]

:icondezzan-stock: :heart: [link]

and material of Romieposer [link]

Used for my "Abouve the Clouds"

:bulletred: You MUST inform and credit me in any and all use of this stock.

:bulletred: You are free to use this stock in your personal projects

:bulletred: You are NOT to redistribute this stock (as is) as a whole or in part on any filesharing sites, personal blogs, community forums or sites of a similar nature.

:bulletred: You are NOT to claim ownership to any of the original contents (as is) in whole or in part. This includes my premade backgrounds. Do not offer them for print elsewhere as backdrops, canvas or anything of a similar nature. They are meant as a tool to help you in your manipulations.

:bulletred: These terms are subject to change without prior notice.

The © is by Petra Wild (sternenfee59)All rights reserved.
Image size
2500x1875px 3.16 MB
© 2012 - 2025 sternenfee59
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KSchnee's avatar
Hello! I'm considering using this as part of a commercial book cover (with modification including adding a character portrait). You said "personal projects", but does that include commercial use? I think so but want to check.