STOCK - Terms of use

3 min read

Deviation Actions

steppelandstock's avatar
Main thing is that I love it when people enjoy and use my work - and if you do so, please do let me know! I appreciate comments, :+fav:s and suggestions very much! :)

:bulletpurple: You can use my stock images as is for personal use, on websites, journals, blogs, newsletters etc. A link back to my main dA page [Image by] next to the pic is necessary.
Please do not redistribute my pics, nor claim them as your own.
Unaltered use of my stock for commercial purposes is NOT allowed. If you want to purchase my images, please contact me.

:bulletpurple: You can also use my stock images for any creative work, for personal and commercial use, and you can post your own creations using my stock inside dA and outside. You can make prints of your own work using my stock, no need to ask permission.
Please give credit where possible, with a link back to…

:bulletpurple: Strictly do NOT use for very dark or macabre art, for work or on sites promoting, hatred, violence, pornography or racism, or in ways/ on sites that can cause harm to children

:bulletpurple: I love to know when my work is used, so I really appreciate if you let me know, and send me a link back to your deviation or other work. Again, that is not a necessity. But if you do, I will gladly :+fav:, comment and/or add a link to your work, so that more people can see it :)
If you like your work featured in the stock description, then please leave a link under the used stock work

:sun: Further, just enjoy, and add beauty to the world :rose:!
I will thank you for it! :bow:


© 2008 - 2025 steppelandstock
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TabiKittie's avatar
I used one of your Abandoned Building photos as an illustration in my story on Wattpad.
Here is link:…

Thank you so much for your resources.