XAZ 40StephODell on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/stephodell/art/XAZ-40-78463635StephODell

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StephODell's avatar

XAZ 40



Official comic is here: [link]

Hey guys, guess what?

Only 10 more until 50!

So that means Steph is gonna celebrate (because she never thought she'd make it to 50 anyway. x3 )

In celebration of the upcomming 50th issue of XAZ, I'm issuing this contest. Your task? Draw a guest strip or page for XAZ. It can be a splash page, a sprite comic, or some other random idea. As long as you abide by the rules, anything goes. xD


1) All pairings must be cannon to the series. (ie, X would still tecnically be a couple with Protoman (if you can call it that) The introduction of new and/or OC characters is not encouraged. However, given the right circumstances, I may still accept it. Which leads us to...

2) All characters that appear must be in XAZ as of this point. Any characters introduced by 50 count as well, but there is only one character who is going to be introduced by then, and it's Liam the Emo Zunny. (aka, the Zunny from the wallpaper) The list of characters up to date is as follows: X (X series), Zer0 (X series), Axl (X series), Protoman (EXE series), Chaud (EXE series), Marino (MMX:CM), Cinnamon (MMX:CM), Signas (X series) [although he has yet to make an actual apearence, X has mentioned him, and therefore he is in the cast.], Bass (EXE series), Feram (MMX:CM), Lan (EXE series),and Emo--err, I mean--Geo Stellar (Starforce series).
GUEST APEARENCES: Kylee (aka, SonicRocksMySocks), Church and Caboose (Red vs. Blue), Rian, Anime Master Zero, D-Prime, Licorice-Sama, Kano (Kagerou), Arin Hanson (aka Egoraptor), and the Gaia Grunny.

3) All sprite comics must be either your sprites, and/or ones you took from a resorce and are giving credit for. It's not fair to a sprite artist to edit one of their sprites and call it your own. >_> Also, please put some time and effort into the comic. No gradient backrounds. :B

4) Try to keep the rating M at the most. I don't want to have to jack the rating to A just for you. >> Also, reploids don't have the ability to reproduce like that. >< GET MY DRIFT?


-All art must be your own. I don't think I need to say that. I trust you all.

-Any hand-drawn art must either be in color, or toned really nicely. No plain-jane pencil comics unless they blow my mind. Tablet drawings count as hand drawn, btw.

-Any sprite comics must have a decient amount of effort put into them. Also, no sprite stealing and/or unauthorized editing.

-Character designs should try to follow XAZ or the Capcom designs. Character drawings in armour are A-OK. ;D So is, say, Marino in a bikini. xD >> (It's just an example guys.)


The best page will be declaired the winner based on story, humor, dialogue, and art quality. If I cannot decide on just one winner, then the top 3 will be picked. The winner(s), will have their page posted for the 50th update (and 51 and 52, should there be more than one winner) as well as a piece of art drawn by me for them as a thank you.


Send me a DA note entitled "XAZ CONTEST ENTRY" before May 1st with a link to your entry. I will then gather them all, and judge them over the weekend leading up to May 5th (when issue 50 will be posted) I will, hopefully, announce a winner by May 4th.

REMEMBER! YOU HAVE LOTS OF TIME, BUT TIME MOVES FAST! Don't put it off until the last minute, but don't stress to get it done right away. I look forward to everyone's entries! ;D
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advancedflea's avatar
Distraction = Roundhouse kick to the face

I should bare this in mind. Once I have stopped laughing x)