Hawkeye by Philip TanStephenSchaffer on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/stephenschaffer/art/Hawkeye-by-Philip-Tan-61957244StephenSchaffer

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Hawkeye by Philip Tan



Just so everyone knows :iconjdcunard: held me at gunpoint and forced me to color this fantastic piece by :iconbutones:

Just kidding, he firmly suggested it, and I happily obliged This piece actually went quicker than expected, but I think that's just a testament to Philip's amazing pencils.

I'd love to hear what you guys think.

Drawing: Philip Tan
Colors: Me
Character: Marvel (even though they treat him like shit)

Original image: [link]
Image size
900x1364px 491.68 KB
© 2007 - 2025 StephenSchaffer
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HawkeyeVSGirl's avatar
Marvel does treat Hawkeye like shit. I've seen the b/w pencils for this before but it looks great in colour!