[DL] Orion and Aurora (Rainbow Factory)Stenovhouse on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/stenovhouse/art/DL-Orion-and-Aurora-Rainbow-Factory-483312188Stenovhouse

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[DL] Orion and Aurora (Rainbow Factory)



MY CHANNEL: www.youtube.com/channel/UC2pPk…
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Models: www.mediafire.com/?jhfp905lb9k…

I wasn't able post any model because I was making these models, which are two characters of the story of Rainbow Factory: Orion and Aurora.
These two characters, had to be made by 
Nanaya because had promised me several times that he would be created them before my special of the Rainbow Factory.
But no, he just teased me: in fact, I bet that he didn't believe that I could do it, and instead I've successful, but the point is not this.
The point is that he lied to me all this time, and he had guaranteed me the last time, that he would have made have them to me (he had promised), and instead what, it's been more than two months, and still he hasn't given me anything (thanks 


The promises should always be kept, and when you can't guarantee a thing, say it before instead of lying, because otherwise you make angry to who you lied (especially after all this time)
When to me someone does a request , I always try to find ways to fulfill him in the best possible way (and I do it right away, because if I have one thing to do, I do).
I have done so much in two months, and I've always waited that you gave to me those models, and instead what I see, NOTHING, not even a word (the cosmic void)
I ask you at least a minimum of civility: I would like that you (now that you're a "Pro" ...) ask to me sorry, at least that.
Then, do what you want ...
(And I had to make it public because even if I sent you a message here, or on steam, you neither considered me equally!)

That **** didn't even help me in the end...scumbag no matter what, uh nanaya...?
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SkyrimFireDragon's avatar
Wait are there the one from Rainbow Dash Present:Captain Hook the Bicycle Goriila