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[DL] Enhanced Mane 6 (Bot version)




Source files:… (it requires the main pack Enhanced Pony Sources Pack V3.8 by Stenovhouse to work)

Preview image made by :iconapexpredator923:
No, I'm not dead about MLP stuff yet.

Do you remember the old bot ponies made by CobbaltCO in 2012 ( Ponies-Vs-Machine-Day-4-The-Release ) ? Well, it was since sometime that, I wanted to "restore" them, and make them compatible with the enhanced models.
So, what I did, is the following:
*fixed the position of the base first of all;
*refined textures (no smudges or paper look) and no more dependent by the lightwarp;
*each model has an own textures folder now;
*improved rigging (I tried to improve it according the rigging of the enhanced ponies) and added the missing bones (so now the base has the skeleton of an enhanced pony about bones position, except for the back legs, to which I had to set the bones in different way);
*improved the physic;
*each model has 3 skins (on, off and lighted on eye);
*models are compatible with this [DL] MLP Animations Files (source files) by Stenovhouse (NOTE: since the back legs of the model are different by the back ones of the stock ponies, the legs will appear in "different" positions);
*replaced the half manes with full ones (and mirrored ones) with the own bones;
*added default tails;
*fixed bot tails (position in particular way) and adjusted the position of their bones;
*made source files (link is up);
*other minor stuff.

I'm happy to have remastered this pack, because it really needed to be brushed up but mainly, to be upgraded to the rest of the other packs that have been made.
It took a pair of days, but I believe that this was a worth effort.
I doubt that you'll need eyebrows for these models, but, here you go [DL] My Little Pony Improved Eyebrows (Props) by Stenovhouse .
The pack includes also the background ponies that were made in the original pack [precisely Lyra, Vinyl (Scratch), Tim (Whooves) , Braeburn, Trixie and Derpy], always upgraded, like the Mane 6.
Let me know if there are problems.
Hope you like it.

Image size
3840x2160px 5.57 MB
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breez122's avatar

I don't understand why these models are stationary in Gmod?