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[DL] EG Boys pack




Preview by :iconsourcerabbit:

After several months of development, I'm happy to show you (and FINALLY)...the boys pack of Equestria Girl.
This pack contains: Big Mac, Sandle Wood and Micro Chips.
I'd want to know the opinions about their sizes, because I based everything on how the picture showed.
These models through, have the whole body (aside the lower part), because we (because I wasn't the only one to work on them) wanted to see how a whole body would have work, and despite many tables were broken, we managed to do a good work.
Credits to:
:iconsindroom: for the face and the arms;
:icondracagon: , :iconjdash42: and me for the rest of the work.
Hope you like the pack, and write, in case there are problems.

*added lightwarp;
*preview image changed;
*now they should work on gmod.
Image size
2100x1080px 1.66 MB
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MysticM's avatar

I was thinking if you ever considered making a EqG source pack? Preferably with a character .qc to where you can add the $bodygroup parts you want listed among other things, compile it and then you get a model unique to your specifications.

Even after MLP:FiM is over and done with, bronies are still making SFM ponies and using premade .qc with source packs to make them, but there is nothing for EqG characters. I've made my pony OC for SFM (with help), it would just be nice if I had an EqG version of my OC to match.