stellarr on DeviantArt

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stellarr's avatar




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I killed the nerves on my fingertips doing this. It hurts to type :( .. LOL

An effort of 3 days on Photoshop CS3. The hair is done one painstaking letter at a time with the text and pen tool.. because I wanted to get the shape as perfect as I possibly could..

I've had this on the back burner for a while, but never had any inclination to finish until i saw a particularly amazing deviation [link]
that made me want to complete my own feeble attempt at typography art.

My muse and subject is Saya from Blood+

Character design (c) to the original creators (Aniplex, I believe)
Image size
872x831px 226.47 KB
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MooseSketts's avatar
This is pretty kickass!  Awesome work!