Swirly MeStellaB on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/stellab/art/Swirly-Me-151039318StellaB

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Swirly Me


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Entry for the "My Flow Contest" at #Swirly-Artists. Yay, I'm participating in a contest. XD When I read we are supposed to draw a swirly self-portrait I just couldn't resist, it's such a sweet idea. Also because it works great as a deviantID for me (will use a smaller version for that). X3

I used a photo of myself as a reference, obviously. XD It was a lot of work and I also got a headache from all the details. ^^; But I think it turned out alright in the end.

So, yep... That's my swirly self. :XD:

Photoshop Elements 6.
Artwork © 2010 Stella B.
Me © Stella B. XD
Image size
570x630px 213.64 KB
© 2010 - 2025 StellaB
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S-u-k-e-i-s-u-x's avatar
You are very pretty! ^^