steffy-beff on DeviantArt

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steffy-beff's avatar

(Sold) Auction: Pegasus Adoptable



Just a little pegasus i whipped up!

1. Do not bid if you do not have the money!
2. I accept payment by Paypal ONLY.
3. Bid in the comments below! I will update the lead bid frequently. 

She starts at $8. Please bid from that price by the dollar or more. 

Winning Bid: $50 by :iconlastoftheknights:!

What you'll receive upon purchase:
:bulletblue: PNG with no background
:bulletblue: A high res PNG of her Cutie Mark
:bulletblue: The image seen above with no watermarks!
:bulletblue: All rights to her design, name, and personality. 
:bulletblue: An official MLP:FIM style vector of her if the bid passes $15.
:bulletblue: A pixel pony of her if the bid passes $20.
:bulletblue: An official character sheet if the bid passes $30.

If you're interested, please bid in the comments! Thanks! (:

You may not use, modify, repost, distribute, sell, copy, or claim without permission. All art is © steffy-beff.
Image size
1564x1384px 550.53 KB
© 2014 - 2024 steffy-beff
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