New piece, some features and soon no premium^^

4 min read

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StefanHuerlemann's avatar

Hey there,
I've got some different points today :D
First of all, my newest piece:
Daemon by StefanHuerlemann
I really tried to add a lot of details and to make a good quality. I learned some new techniques for creating good quality and high detailed details and also I learned to create cool asteroids. But the most of them are just from hameed and lyridae like always :D
If you want some wallpapers, just ask. ;)

Now straight to the second theme of todays entry.
Soon I've got no premium account anymore. These 3 months were the first time I had one and I really started to like it :D I hope I'll win some points in the Eternal Reminisce contest or I have to stay without premium account :D

Anyway, here are some features:
:thumb186970713: Alone in the sea by Obstination Larissa by FarDareisMai Cold Planet by AlexNIKO The Last Stand by Scortis Night shooting by DarkKadath The Anunnaki by ClaudioBergamin

Journal Skin by Thewinator and FacundoDiaz
© 2010 - 2025 StefanHuerlemann
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