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steelgohst's avatar

Steelgohst Cenobite 2



A word on my version of the Cenobites -
My Cenobites are not of the same ilk as the ones you see in the movie, I'm not trying to re-create their styles.
Whereas the original movie cenobites walk elegantly out from a bright light in their finery, mine crawl from a dark tear in the fabric of reality, whimpering in their agony, before pulling themselves upright, sighing with pleasure and regarding their victims to be.. actually, 'victim' is the wrong word. these creatures love pain absolutely, and believe totally that what they will bestow on you is a great gift, and cannot on any level understand that you may not want it.
Back in Leviathans realm are the cool, detached Cenobites of the movie, and they never leave. The ones they send out are the equivalent of cult members, if you will, once normal people, now fanatical and demented in their devotion to pain and their converting of others to their cause...
Their voices are the opposite of their appearance, rich, warm, inviting, yet laced with venom. like cyanide on roses, honey over ice.

my other Cenobites -
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