It's Hard to Please Her, y'knowstec-corduroyroad on DeviantArt

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stec-corduroyroad's avatar

It's Hard to Please Her, y'know



Rarity should know that by now, that without those bargaining apples, she would never get Applejack's attention. A slight prequel to my previous picture with AJ's fondness of those pomaceous pretties because, hey, it's a sickness that she's down with.

I really had :iconwhitediamondsltd: in mind with this, cause her birthday's coming up. Have a good one!

EDIT - it made it in EQD today! And for everyone who faved and commented; I love you all! Hugs and brohoofs for everyone

(c) SteCisTTWG 2013
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Scyphi's avatar
Well, if it helps, she caught my attention with that Starfleet-esque uniform...although largely for all the wrong reasons and probably not the ones she was shooting for. :P