Pimp Your Wig TutorialStealthos-Aurion on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/stealthos-aurion/art/Pimp-Your-Wig-Tutorial-79806894Stealthos-Aurion

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Stealthos-Aurion's avatar

Pimp Your Wig Tutorial



Pimp a wig in 5 easy steps. Here's one of the promised tutorials. I hope it is helpful.

My supply list is just things I used, I am in no way endorsing them or claiming that you must own the same brands to do this type of work. You can work with many tools from different brands to get similar results.

FINAL RESULTS: Swooshy bangs added
[link] <---on Cosplay.com
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500x3423px 1.09 MB
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Calculated-Lie's avatar
How did you add the swooshy bangs? I have a costume I'm working on that I need something exactly like that for.