StarWarriors's avatar


Your wish shall come true.
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Artist // Student // Digital Art
  • Canada
  • Deviant for 9 years
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (182)
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (2)
Hype: You got hyped up! (2)
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
My Bio
We are the StarWarriors, protectors of the galactic skies and wish granters.

Your wish shall come true.

Favourite Visual Artist
David Lillie
Hey it's me! We will be having a raffle stream this Friday in where I give out art for free! Stream will be held at starting at 8pm! These rules at the bottom apply for raffle Streams: Request rules: – This will be done with raffles. Raffle winners will have 5 minutes to claim their prize. Failure to do so will result in a new raffle. – Requests will be sketches – Keep things PG-13 and politics/hate free – I have the right to ask that you request something different, without getting into a debate as to why Discord Voice chat rules: – The voice chat is by my invite only &#82
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Good day wishers. This month has been full of surprises for me, I got a surprise Anthrocon registration that I had to do, migrane attacks and surprise new buttons!
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Hi everyone, I have a very important change to announce regarding the webcomic. Starwarriors will no longer be posted here on Deviantart. But don't worry, the comic is still up at! I'd rather separate the webcomic and my extra art. Besides, as it stands, the comic has at least 50 more pages already submitted on the main website. Chapter 3 is basically about to start there. I will be deleting the comic pages I have submitted here tomorrow Friday.
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Profile Comments 104

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Get better soon (if you hav'nt already)

...also you missed an Amung Us in the art part of the last Session (56)

(If you want a hint maybe ask Mr. Time to Rew the clock to get a 2ed look ;)}

Thanks for the good wishes.

Im sure I missed a ton of amongus in my life already.

Happy holidays

as your gift, have ideas of EVIL (Celeste and Kathien are going to hate me)

You sead Mack (the totodile) got off free cos you couldn't think of anything... I can (maybe)

  • Mack decides to look into the Master Ball roomers, and inadvertently helps the false god's minions in making 1

  • Mack decides to help the Pine's and unwittingly makes things more difficult for the party in the process

  • Mack decides to show some other mon's how to make there own quality pokeballs unlike the crap he's been seeing get used recently and as such pokeballs (and misuse of them) become more common place

  • Mack get's a (bad) idea on how to try and liberate the pokeballs in that 1 colicson room, and triggers the alarm in the process.

  • Mack realizing that Celeste cracked her custom pokeballs gets offended (this one is unlikely all things considered but I thought I'd throw it out there, just in case)

Feel free to steal 1 of my ideas if you want, or not, up to you. I'm very much enjoying your PMD campaign :)

These are fun ideas, I am unsure if they are to ever happen though because of certain aspects of the campaign. I do appreciate you sharing the ideas though!

Hope you had happy holidays!

fair enough, It honestly dos'nt matter to me that much if they get used 1 way or the other, getting this acoligement is good enough for me :3

I just thought of those ideas relatively easily after the boss battle with the last human, so I figured I'd share them

If they get used, cool (and I alolojise to Celeste and Kathien). If not, it's fine (and it means Celeste and Kathien can't get mad at me cos I did nothing wrong :dummy:;P)


*Me watching Rise of the Guildmasters 16

my GoogleTube front end malfunctions

I decide to scroll DA wile I wait for GoogleTube to fix it's self

stumbles across Scot's DA page by COMPLETE accident

sits there stunned for a moment

watches you on DA*