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Drawing Glove



Behold, it is my latest invention! As modeled by the astounding *AtomicFireball -- a hand-knitted drawing glove! Now, the truth is, I didn't invent the concept; there are a couple companies selling lycra ones for about $15 a pop not counting shipping. That seemed kinda cheezy to me, so I set out to do something better for cheaper.

These are hand-knitted from Brown Sheep 'Cotton Fine', an incredibly soft, machine washable blend of 80% cotton, 20% merino. I have 8 colors on hand, and if there's a lot of demand I can even expand that color repertoire. I've figured out and tested patterns for three sizes. They work for either righties or lefties. And even though they're hand-made I'm only asking $10 each, because as an artist myself I know artists aren't usually swimming in cash. :D

Available colors are sage, pink, black, red, white, yellow, olive, blue. Please fullview to see how to choose your size!


Via Paypal: send me a DA note with your size, color choice, and shipping address; send $10 plus shipping ($2 in North America, $4 everywhere else) to, being sure to mention in the 'note to seller' which order is yours.

Via snailmail: send your check, money order, or well-concealed cash -- again, $10 plus shipping ($2 in North America, $4 everywhere else) -- along with a note giving your size, color choice, and shipping address (even if it's on the envelope, because those can get mixed up!) to:

Studio Whipping Boy
204 7th St. W #103
Northfield, MN 55057

Support my knitting habit, keep your drawing hand happy and your tablet clean!
Image size
1000x758px 527.78 KB
© 2009 - 2024 StarTyrian
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A-Gaming-Fox22's avatar
i've seen things like this, but they looked stupid.