Wish you were here - contest winners

19 min read

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StarsColdNight's avatar

14th January to 14th February
This was not choosed by skills, it was by the way you see the emotion in them.

By Categorie:

FIRST PLACE :trophy:


THIRD PLACE :trophy:  

FIRST PLACE :trophy:


THIRD PLACE :trophy:


DONATORS WILL HAVE ONE PICE FEATURED at Supernatural-art and a llama Valentine contest Donators features! 2012:wave: Helloooo
As promised here my part for the donators of our :thumb275900488: contest!
Thank you again very much, i will request them all to be in our VIP room at :iconhighqualityart:

:devRohitHaridwar: :devstarscoldnight: :devMagnius159:  :devark4n: :devLady-I-Hellsing: :devAugustRainbow: :devMary-Jane-Stokely: :devSitsUnderWaterfalls: :devenemy-89: :devmippieart: :devserpentine-eyes1994: :devvotiv: :devpatrick-du-poisson: :devpranile: :devmahdesigns: :devatomicqueen: :devkittyblack13: :devCuteHermione26: :devskippydragon: :devkattnboys:  :devathenatt: :devH3llana-mod: :devvolve-O3o:  :devalwayspercabeth: :

Hellooooo :wave:
How is everybody? :D So today the contest is OPEN for submissions. This will be hosted by:
:iconsupernatural-art: :iconpsychoartistunited: :iconhighqualityart:
and will take place in my profile so we can get the entries in one place and more prizes :D Everybody is welcome to participated.

The theme:
Saint Valentine's Day, commonly shortened to Valentine's Day, is an annual commemoration held on February 14 celebrating love and affection between intimate companions. Some meanings of the contest theme:
- longing
- yearning
- desire
- craving
- eagerness
- hankering
- anxiety
- appetite
All are emotions characterized by a strong feeling of desire or longing for somebody.

After reading the rules and the meanings of the theme (by wiki) hope you can find a way to ilustrate,create or embrase the theme for your entrie.

:bulletblue:   Digital Art (3D, pantings, manipulations, mixed media, vector, pixel) starscoldnight.deviantart.com/…
:bulletblue:   Traditional Art (artisan craft, drawings, sculptures, body art, photography) starscoldnight.deviantart.com/…


:bulletred: You have to be a member to enter.
:bulletred: Muss be :new: and made only for this contest. Add in the comment area "Made for  Wish you were here contest ".
:bulletred: Remember your work muss be related to the theme.
:bulletred: Fan art is welcome.
:bulletred: Send me the link of your work so i can fav it here Digital Art starscoldnight.deviantart.com/… & Traditional Art starscoldnight.deviantart.com/… Only one entry per member by folder. It means you can submitt one to each categorie.
:bulletred: No porn or sexualy explicit allowed. Artistic Nudity  is welcome.
:bulletred: The work can be any kind of media except Literature.
:bulletred: If its a photo manipulations you must credit all the resources used and write them in the artist comment with a valid link to each one of them.
:bulletred: Blurry and bad quality will not count as part of the entries.

My Immortal... by Eireen :thumb38526540: Much Ado About Love by clockworkartshop Falling in love by enchanting-ce-memory valentine's day by berkozturk   L'automne by AkubakaArts Tragic Love Story by sakimichan

Mature Content

Longing by 0palesque
Lake of Longing - Updated by folkvangar :thumb143554394:


:bulletblue: 1000:points: from the donation pool.  
:bulletblue: 100:points: from H3llana-mod
:bulletblue: 25:points: from virtualpapercut
:bulletblue: Features by me.
:bulletblue: Features in Supernatural-art
:bulletblue: Features in PsychoArtistUnited
:bulletblue: Features in HighQualityArt
:bulletblue: Features by kittyblack13
:bulletblue: Features in H3llana-mod
:bulletblue: Features in KalosysArt
:bulletblue: Llamas from me.
:bulletblue: Llamas from atomicqueen
:bulletblue: Llamas from kittyblack13
:bulletblue: Llamas from H3llana-mod
:bulletblue: Llamas from AlwaysPercabeth
:bulletblue: Llamas from alexrashidart
:bulletblue: Llamas from Nina-Lipkin-Art
:bulletblue: Llamas from Nephire
:bulletblue: One exclusive pack from sonjagatetodreamsart
:bulletblue: One drawing comission by atomicqueen
:bulletblue: One drawing comission by CuteHermione26 (traditional winner)
:bulletblue: One sculpture from skippydragon
:bulletblue: One drawing comission by kittyblack13
:bulletblue: One exclusive background pack from DesignbyKatt
:bulletblue: One webzine feature in dArtzine
:bulletblue: One card drawing comission by AthenaTT
:bulletblue: One drawing comission by MrsVolv
:bulletblue: One drawing comission by GingerJuju


:bulletblue: 50:points: from H3llana-mod
:bulletblue: 500:points: from the donation pool.
:bulletblue: Features by me.
:bulletblue: Features in Supernatural-art
:bulletblue: Features in PsychoArtistUnited
:bulletblue: Features in HighQualityArt
:bulletblue: Features in H3llana-mod
:bulletblue: Features in KalosysArt
:bulletblue: Llamas from me.
:bulletblue: Llamas from atomicqueen
:bulletblue: Llamas from H3llana-mod
:bulletblue: Llamas from AlwaysPercabeth
:bulletblue: Llamas from alexrashidart
:bulletblue: Llamas from Nina-Lipkin-Art
:bulletblue: Llamas from Nephire
:bulletblue: One exclusive pack from sonjagatetodreamsart
:bulletblue: One exclusive background pack from DesignbyKatt
:bulletblue: One webzine feature in dArtzine
:bulletblue: One drawing comission by GingerJuju

:bulletblue: 25:points: from H3llana-mod
:bulletblue: One month membership.
:bulletblue: Features by me.
:bulletblue: Features in Supernatural-art
:bulletblue: Features in PsychoArtistUnited
:bulletblue: Features in HighQualityArt
:bulletblue: Features in H3llana-mod
:bulletblue: Features in KalosysArt
:bulletblue: Llamas from me.
:bulletblue: Llamas from atomicqueen
:bulletblue: Llamas from H3llana-mod
:bulletblue: Llamas from AlwaysPercabeth
:bulletblue: Llamas from alexrashidart
:bulletblue: Llamas from Nina-Lipkin-Art
:bulletblue: Llamas from Nephire
:bulletblue: One exclusive pack from sonjagatetodreamsart
:bulletblue: One exclusive background pack from DesignbyKatt
:bulletblue: One webzine feature in dArtzine
:bulletblue: One chibi comission by GingerJuju

Groups Helping:
:iconsupernatural-art: :iconpsychoartistunited: :iconhighqualityart:  :icondartzine: :iconbeyondlife-da: :iconda-art-gallery: :iconallwomen: :iconanothercontestgroup: :icondark-etheria: :iconrealm-of-fantasy:

© 2011 - 2024 StarsColdNight
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CristianaLeone's avatar
Thank you so much!! It's incredible, thank you! It was such a beautiful suprise!! Thanx a lot to all the judges!!! :la: :heart: :woohoo: