Valentine Heart - Contest VOTE

7 min read

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Love Potion by LaVolpeCimina

Discarded Love by DarkUmah

A Piece Of You by Corvinerium

Congrats to all :la:

Hellooooo :woohoo:
I'm soo excited to anounce this contest! I dont realy care about the date itself but what it means to people who have love, hate and survived because of a heartbeat :D I mean, when you fall in love, you can feel your heartbeat sooo fast you wanna die, and when someone breaks your heart, you can feel it stop beating..So thats wy, this contest is all about the heart :)

:bulletred:The image must be :new: and made JUST FOR THIS CONTEST, cause last time people submitted works that where already particpating in other contest at the same time. We will have only 3 winners.
:bulletred:The image must have a Heart somewhere in it and a dark side of course.
:bulletred:The artist comment must include "Made for :icon supernatural-art: contest" (without the space)
:bulletred:Submitt your work to the Valentine Contest folder. Remember, only 1.
:bulletred:All the entries must contain at least one scifi/ficticious creature or caracter.
:bulletred:The work can be any kind of media.
:bulletred:You must credit all the resources used and write them in the artist comment with a valid link to each one of them.
:bulletred:No porn/nudity or any violence against animals and children. You may do a partial nudity covering the intimate areas.
:bulletred:Blurry and bad quality will not be accepted as part of the entries.
:bulletred:Literature will not be part of this contest due the other one going one.


First place
:bulletred:1 3D of a single character and no background comission from Firstdarkangel2001
:bulletred:Llama from me.
:bulletred::points: from the donation pool.
:bulletred:5:points: from Eternalheadache
:bulletred:10:points: from Silveroftwowings
:bulletred:10:points: from Bracey100
:bulletred:Featured by me.
:bulletred:1 Writen comission from Ilovewriting26
:bulletred:Features by Masani

Second place
:bulletred:1 animated banner comission from Firstdarkangel2001
:bulletred:Llama from me.
:bulletred::points: from the donation pool.
:bulletred:5:points: from Bracey100
:bulletred:10:points: from Silveroftwowings
:bulletred:Features by me.
:bulletred:Features by Masani

Thrid place
:bulletred:1 animated avatar comission from Firstdarkangel2001
:bulletred:Llama from me.
:bulletred::points: from the donation pool.
:bulletred:5:points: from Bracey100
:bulletred:10:points: from Silveroftwowings
:bulletred:Features by Masani

Check out the entries so far
If you wanna donate prizes just note me with your list :D


CSS made by TwiggyTeeluck
Brushes by gvalkyrie
© 2011 - 2024 StarsColdNight
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GreyReef's avatar
can i enter it ^v^